Friday, November 15, 2013

Python Training Part 3 (of 4)

In my ongoing series on EVERY business person should learn a programming language... and that language should be Python...   this is part 3 of 4.   Like prior trainings, this should be done in order.  You should already have python 2.6 installed, and be able to create files and invoke idle from either the shell or the gui.

Today's lesson is on "classes"... classes are a very important concept in Python (and almost any programming language).   They enable you to write much more readable and useful code.... most importantly they enable you to build complex systems that 'build on top of each other' using either member variables of classes or inheritance or both.

A class can be thought of as simply a "container" for one or more "variables" and one or more "methods".
Those variables are called 'member variables' because they belong "in the class".
Those methods are called 'class methods' or sometimes called 'member functions' because they (almost always) act on or use the member variables of that class.

An object is an instantiation of a class... e.g. while a class "describes" what are it's member variables and member functions...   an object is one instance (e.g. one of potentially many) class objects.

Okay, enough mumbo-jumbo, let's get some hands-on!

1. First, create a file called somewhere in your library include path (C:\python26 works)

2. In that file, put the following very simple class:
class Location(object):
    #x    #y    #z
    def __init__(self,x,y,z):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z

# this is one of the most basic classes possible, it has 3member variables, x, y, z, and one member function called "__init__".   "__init__" is a special member function that is called when an instance is created.
Now, let's use it.

3. Next, from within idle, type the following commands

from location_classes import Location
l21 = Location()  #this fails!   In our __init__ we required x,y,z to be set!
l2 = Location(3,4,5)
l1 = Location(0,0,0)
print l2
print l1
print l1.x
print l2.z

#notice the "dot" notation to access your instance member variables (l2 is an instance of class Location)
#notice how l1 is seperate from l2, but both are the same class?
#cool right? :)
#you havn't seen the least of it!

4. Now, change your class code to be as follows:
import math
from datetime import datetime

class Location(object):
    #x    #y    #z
    def __init__(self,x=0,y=0,z=0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
    def __str__(self):
        return "X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f" % (self.x,self.y,self.z)

    def distance(self,destination):
        xDiff = destination.x - self.x
        yDiff = destination.y - self.y
        zDiff = destination.z - self.z
        return math.sqrt(math.pow((xDiff),2) + math.pow((yDiff),2) + math.pow((zDiff),2))

#notice we've done 3 things.. we've set some 'default values' to the __init__ function, we've added 2 new member functions __str__ and distance.  __str__ is a special one that defines that classes string representation.   let's try it!

5. Close Idle, and restart it... (you have to do this, or your classes may not get reloaded correctly).  type the following into the new idle window

from location_classes import Location
l21 = Location()  #this succeeds now!!!
print l21
l2 = Location(3,4,5)
l1 = Location(0,0,0)
print l2
print l1
print l1.x
print l2.z

print l1.distance(l2)  #notice it did the distance math from l1 to l2!  cool right?

#play around with this...
print l1.distance(l2)

#and try stuff like this
l21 = l2
print l21
print l2

6. Okay, now to learn about including a class into a class... this is NOT inheritance, it is instead, making a class a member variable of another class!   (We'll learn inheritance later).   For now, update your file to be as follows:

import math
from datetime import datetime

class Location(object):
    #x    #y    #z
    def __init__(self,x=0,y=0,z=0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
    def __str__(self):
        return "X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f" % (self.x,self.y,self.z)

    def distance(self,destination):
        xDiff = destination.x - self.x
        yDiff = destination.y - self.y
        zDiff = destination.z - self.z
        return math.sqrt(math.pow((xDiff),2) + math.pow((yDiff),2) + math.pow((zDiff),2))

def vectorTo(origin,destination,speed):
    if speed==0:
        return origin
    dist = origin.distance(destination)
    dx = (destination.x - origin.x) / dist
    dy = (destination.y - origin.y) / dist
    dz = (destination.z - origin.z) / dist

    x = origin.x + dx * speed
    y = origin.y + dy * speed
    z = origin.z + dz * speed
    return Location( x, y, z )

#a boat is defined by its length, width, height, type-code and position and heading (point boat is moving towards)
class Boat(object):
    #Member Variables
    #length = 0    #width = 0    #height = 0    #boat_type = 0    #position = Location(0,0,0)    #heading = Location(0,0,0)

    def __init__(self,boat_type):  #makes boat_type required
        self.length = 0
        self.width = 0
        self.height = 0
        self.position = Location(0,0,0)
        self.heading = Location(0,0,0)
        self.boat_type = boat_type

    def move_towards_heading(self, speed):
        if (self.position.distance(self.heading) <= speed):
            print "Will arrive"
            self.position = self.heading
            return True
            #move towards goal
            self.position = vectorTo(self.position, self.heading, speed)
        return False

## Notice We've made a function (vectorTo) which is used in a new member function of class Boat... (move_towards_heading)...
### Notice that the Boat class has 2 member variables that are a Location type!  And that the move_towards_heading updates the position vectors of the Boat class!  Cool right?

7. Let's play with our new boat! :)  From python idle command line type:
from location_classes import Boat
ab = Boat(1)  #a boat of type 1
ab.heading = Location(5,5,5)
print ab.position
print ab.position.distance(ab.heading)
print ab.position
print ab.position.distance(ab.heading)

ab.move_towards_heading(speed = 1) #note that i said speed=1 here, but i didn't have to, I could have just said 1, but I wanted to show you how in a function call you can specify which parameters are what...

print ab.position
print ab.position.distance(ab.heading)

print ab.position
print ab.position.distance(ab.heading)

#can you see our boat moving?  I can!   It's moving!!!!

8. Okay, time to learn about inheritance!   We need TIME!  Time, I say, time! Make your file look like this:

import math
from datetime import datetime

class Location(object):
    def __init__(self,x=0,y=0,z=0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
    def __str__(self):
        return "X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f" % (self.x,self.y,self.z)

    def distance(self,destination):
        xDiff = destination.x - self.x
        yDiff = destination.y - self.y
        zDiff = destination.z - self.z
        return math.sqrt(math.pow((xDiff),2) + math.pow((yDiff),2) + math.pow((zDiff),2))

def vectorTo(origin,destination,speed):
    if speed==0:
        return origin
    dist = origin.distance(destination)
    dx = (destination.x - origin.x) / dist
    dy = (destination.y - origin.y) / dist
    dz = (destination.z - origin.z) / dist

    x = origin.x + dx * speed
    y = origin.y + dy * speed
    z = origin.z + dz * speed
    return Location( x, y, z )

#a boat is defined by its length, width, height, type-code and position and heading (point boat is moving towards)
class Boat(object):
    #Member Variables
    #length = 0    #width = 0    #height = 0    #boat_type = 0    #position = Location(0,0,0)    #heading = Location(0,0,0)

    def __init__(self,boat_type):  #makes boat_type required
        self.length = 0
        self.width = 0
        self.height = 0
        self.position = Location(0,0,0)
        self.heading = Location(0,0,0)
        self.boat_type = boat_type

    def move_towards_heading(self, speed):
        if (self.position.distance(self.heading) <= speed):
            print "will arrive"
            self.position = self.heading
            #move towards goal
            self.position = vectorTo(self.position, self.heading, speed)
        return self.position
class Location4d(Location):
    t =
    def __init__(self,x,y,z,t):
        super(Location4d, self).__init__(x,y,z)
        if t > 0:
            self.t = t

    def __str__(self):
        return "X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f, T: %s" % (self.x,self.y,self.z,self.t)

## notice we added a new class Location4d, and it inherited Location!   up till now, we've been inheriting "object" which is actually a very base class that gives us ability to call super  ( we didn't have to do this, we could have called  class Location()  but then we wouldn't have had access to the super function, which can be really helpful. )

### Also notice that since we inherited from Location class, that we actually have an x, y, z already as member variables, and we added t  (time!).

### We've over-ridden the __str__ function (by having defined ou own) and added to the __init__ function (using super)

#### let's play with it.

9. In your command shell  (idle) type the following:

from location_classes import Location4d
l4 = Location4d(0,0,0,0)
print l4
l3 = Location4d(4,5,6,0)
#  notice we called the distance function?   how you say?  simple, we inherited not only the member variables, but also the member functions!   Cool right?

10. What else can you do with classes?
Turns out you can do a lot just with these few things I've showed you... but there is so much more too!  Creating classes of classes of classes, you could model the universe!
Most libraries you use will start with a class as well!  So knowing how to 'instantiate' a class instance is key  * you did this many times when you said l4=Location4d(0,0,0,0) for example!

So, here's your homework!!!

Create a new class called Rectangle...  make sure it inherits from Location or Location4d  (your choice... yes, deep inheritance is possible, as is multiple inheritance..e.g. a location and a location 4d... although that makes no sense here).

Now, write a member function to return the area of the rectangle.

Now, write a member function to 'move' the rectangle from one position to another position at a given speed.

Now, write a program that asks for length and width and prints the area of the rectangle.

That'll do it!  Enjoy!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Business Use of Patents and Provisional Patents

The raging debate about Patent Trolls and what can and should be patented might lead one to consider, what is the business purpose of a patent?  Particularly if you are a startup (very early stage, perhaps pre-funded) with little cash, little time, and a need for focus, the question of patents, to patent or not, seems to be somewhat common.  This post is a summary of my advice and knowledge on the topic, as I recently provided to a new company called Basedrive who are working on their business plan as part of The University of Texas Longhorn Startup class and program.

Here is my advice...

1. First, don't be a Patent Troll:

A Patent Troll is someone who patents something with no real intention of building it, so that later they can 'claim royalties' or sue big companies for 'stealing their idea'.  This approach is not something upon which to build a true entrepreneurial business; and such loopholes should be looked on with great skepticism.

2. Don't do patent searches...

If you are thinking of writing a patent, and are worried if your patent is truly novel or not, you may be tempted to 'search prior patents'.  DO NOT DO THIS!   You will be required to list all the patents you looked at, and this could taint you or your ideas... further, you WILL likely find something similar.. but it's not your job to know this, or if yours is "different enough".

IF YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE UNIQUE, do not search... just move to step 3, below.

3. Decide if $130 (or so) is worth spending or not...
For $130, all in total amount, you can file a provisional patent.  (See Patent Fee Schedule)

So, what would a $130 Provisional Patent buy you for your business?
a.) You can put the words "Patent Pending" on your product.
b.) Investors will see you as 'better' than companies without a patent pending.
c.) It can lead to a real patent in the future, with a priority date equal to the date you submitted the patent (or earlier).

The downside?  None.  In order to claim the priority date by means of your provisional patent, you need to file the final patent within 12-months of submitting the provisional; but this is not a bad thing... even if you don't write the final patent in the 12-months, you can still write the final patent later with no penalty. (just no claim on the provisional).

If you need to buy food, don't spend the $130... but otherwise, I say do it.. at least for 1 thing!

4. What is Patent-able/What to write?
So, what do you patent?  My best advice is to focus on some implementation detail that you do that helps your product/service be unique.  Got no technology?  Don't bother writing a Patent (IMHO).

What kind of technology?  Hardware?  Yes.   Software?  Yes.  Both?  Ideal!

Even if your use of the technology is in software, I suggest writing the patent as though the software could be implemented "into a device"... (thus covering both hardware and software).  This might require creative thinking, but it might also get you the patent later!

What do you write for a provisional?  SIMPLE:  Just write in plain English how your technology works, and how it might work in software or hardware.  Simple, plain, English.

You will also need 1 drawing.  1.  not 2.  1.  Simple block diagram is ideal, showing the system.

Now, go to and SUBMIT IT YOURSELF!   No need to pay a lawyer to submit or review a provisional patent.  JUST DO IT!

5. Should you file a final, full patent?

Maybe.  But not yet.  Not until either: a.) you can easily afford the $8,000-10,000 for a lawyer to do it right... or  b.) your business really needs it for some reason [e.g. to increase your stock's value even more by having full issued patents ].

When you do a final patent... simply get a lawyer to do it.  Simple.   A real patent lawyer.  You don't want to do a final by yourself.  Just give the lawyer your provisional as a starting place, and off you go!

6. So business value?
Yep.  Provisional = Obvious.  It'll help you stand out and raise money and look good. (that's it really).
Final full patents... = Less Obvious.  It MIGHT help you raise more money at a better price, it MIGHT protect you from getting sued [because you could counter-sue], it MIGHT help you go after someone who is infringing on your patent (doubtful)...

So, Provisional = Yes.  Final = Doubtful (IMHO).

So, get to it!

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